Specialty RX

Real results

You’ve got real challenges. We’ve got real solutions — that deliver real results.

RX solutions

Specialty drugs are one of the fastest-growing costs for self-insured employers, with prices expected to continue to rise 8% annually through 2025.

We are the only navigation solution proven to combat this alarming trend as part of our core service. Our independent, unbiased clinical review and approval process ensures the most cost-effective, clinically appropriate treatments administered at the right site of care.

The results are remarkable:

  • 48% average savings per dose or administration with every site-of-care shift
  • 91% success rate when recommending more cost-effective, clinically appropriate injection or infusion sites
  • $2.08 average savings per member, per month

Real Data: A Comprehensive Solution to Control Specialty Rx Costs

New study demonstrates dramatic specialty drug savings and ROI for employers through highly personalized and humanistic pharmacy services.


“We’ve been with Quantum Health for five years, and I am happy to say that our healthcare costs are less today than they were five years ago ... even with healthcare costs increasing at 6%-8% a year. It’s been a great partnership.”

Mike Chilen
Global Director, Benefits - Mary Kay, Inc

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