At Quantum Health, we understand that all hospital employees play a crucial role in caregiving. It takes a dedicated team to provide exceptional care to patients and their families — and these caregivers deserve the same compassion in return.
Earlier this month, Quantum Health hosted “Caring for the Caregiver”: a one-day, peer-to-peer event at our own headquarters in Dublin, Ohio. This exclusive event addressed opportunities in caring for the caregiver and examined challenges they face in today’s struggling labor market.
HR leaders from hospitals and health systems nationwide came together to engage in a number of meaningful dialogues:
This event provided a unique platform for HR professionals in the hospital industry to collaborate, share insights and develop benefits strategies that support and lift up caregivers. Together, we can foster a happier, healthier workforce that thrives in the face of challenges.
If you missed the event or want to learn more, please connect with our team.
While 66% of benefits professionals state engagement as a top priority, only 20% say their organization is nearing or achieving the best-case scenario when it comes to healthcare benefits.
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